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Waikato Orthodontic Centre
This is where you can find out all sorts of information like
What is involved during the different types of appointments
How to book an appointment and the different locations/options available to you
What to do in case of an “orthodontic emergency”
How much will the orthodontic treatment cost and the options available for payment
How to look after your braces or plates once treatment has started
A section dedicated to the common issues arising during orthodontic treatment

Appointments - Intitial ConsultationThe first visit is all about you getting to know us, what is involved and getting comfortable with our clinic. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding orthodontic treatment or any issues you have with your teeth. Some of the things that will happen during your initial consultation include: Identifying what your, and your parents’ main concerns are and what your expectations are in terms of orthodontic treatment so that any treatment options we consider will ensure satisfaction of those expectation and concerns Reviewing your dental and medical history records A comprehensive clinical examination of not just your teeth, but your face, lips, cheeks, tongue, and jaws All this information will be used to give you an indication of the various treatment options available during this initial consultation. If you are ready for treatment straight away and keen to get started as soon as possible, then the option of taking “full records” during the same appointment will be given, but if you’d like to go home and think about it with your family, then we can always make another appointment to take the “records” If you are not quite yet ready for treatment, then we will schedule regular review appointments until you are. This can happen if there are still too many baby teeth in the mouth. Records Appointment So what does “full records” mean? These comprise digital photographs of the teeth and face; moulds of your teeth (dental impressions) to make plaster casts/models of your teeth; and xrays to assess your teeth and your jaws. If your dentist has taken panoramic xrays within the last 6 months, you can bring a copy along instead of taking a new one. They provide all the useful information we need to come up with an individualised tailored treatment plan that will cater to both, your concerns and expectations as well as any problems we had identified during the initial consultation. Treatment Consultation Once the personalised and comprehensive treatment plan has been formulated, it will be discussed with you at a follow up consultation. During this visit, the treatment plan containing the pros and cons of all the treatment options available will be thoroughly explained to you, so that you can make an informed decision on your preferred treatment option. If you decide to go ahead with the treatment, then an appointment to get the braces on will be made. Braces On This appointment takes around an hour, and involves ‘sticking’ the braces onto the teeth. The process is relatively pain-free, and the worst part about it having to keep your mouth open. We will endeavor to make this as comfortable as possible for your and give you regular breaks. After your braces have been put on, Ali will have a chat about caring for your braces and everything you need to know about brushing and looking after your teeth. You will also receive a take home pack with written information of everything that Ali talked about. Adjustments These are the appointments needed during treatment, and depending on what needs to be done can range from 15 to 30 minutes, every 5 to 8 weeks During these appointments, Ali will examine your teeth and do what is necessary for the next stage of treatment, like changing the wires. You will also get to change the coloured ‘o-rings’ around the braces every time you come in. When making appointments, please let us know which times or days suit you best and will endeavor to make sure that the appointments are as convenient as possible for you. Life is unpredictable, and as often happen, if something comes up or you are running late and cannot make an appointment, then please just let us know and we can reschedule the appointment for you. Braces Off A very exciting day for all! The day you get your braces off and feel like your mouth is empty for a while. After the braces are taken off, a wire is glued to the back of your lower front teeth (most of the time) and depending on the case, a wire may be needed behind your upper front teeth. A mould is then taken of your teeth and a retainer made which you can pick up in the afternoon. Photos of your face and teeth are then taken to document the completed case, and these are added to photos you had taken before and during treatment. These will be put into a CD and given to you so that you may cherish the experience forever!
Book an appointmentFill out the form below to make an appointment; alternatively you can call us on (07) 855 9512. To arrange an appointment, let us know your preferred time and location(s) and we will get back to you to confirm.
Emergency CareIf you have any issues with your braces, please call us immediately and an appointment will be made as soon as possible to remedy the problem. Things that can sometimes happen with braces include : A bracket (the part glued to the tooth) breaking off The wire can be digging in somewhere The coloured ‘O-ring’ around the bracket can come off These are generally easily and quickly fixed by the orthodontist. If it is only a few days till your next visit then things like a broken bracket can wait until your appointment, but if it is still a while till your next visit then please call us to be seen sooner, as it can lead to an increase in the treatment time. If you are unsure about the severity of the problem, please give us a call and we are always happy to help :)
Financial InformationJust as the treatment plan will be tailored to suit the individual, the cost of the treatment is also customized depending on your individual needs and the complexity of the treatment. We always aim to provide orthodontic treatment at a realistic and affordable price, and are always eager to work with you to come up with a payment plan that makes payment as easy as possible for you. We usually ask for a deposit to be paid the day you get your braces on and then you can choose to pay the remainder weekly, fortnightly, monthly or with quarterly payments. The deposit amount is negotiable and tailored to suit each patient individually. Alternatively, we offer a discount off the total cost of treatment if the fee is paid in full the day your braces go on. If more than one family member is treated then we will provide discounts to help with the cost of treatment. We believe that communication is the most effective way to deal with any issues, and we urge anyone finding it difficult meeting payment schedules to please contact us as soon as possible to see how we can help with the situation.
Home CareOral Hygiene is an important part of dentistry, and it becomes even more important when braces are put on. No one will be considered for comprehensive orthodontic treatment unless they demonstrate good oral hygiene with brushing and flossing, and present with healthy gums and teeth. If someone is in need of improved gum and/or dental health, then they will be referred back to their usual dentist to ensure that everything is stabilised before the orthodontic treatment can begin. Once your braces are put on, you will have an extensive chat on how to care and look after your braces, teeth and gums. You will also be given helpful pamphlets detailing on how to look after your braces and mouth at home. This will be aided by free toothbrushes and little “interdental brushes” throughout your treatment t ensure you are always on top of the game when it comes to looking after your teeth:) Your oral hygiene will be monitored throughout the treatment period to make sure everything is in tip-top shape. While we pride ourselves in giving you the beautiful smile you are after, the last thing you would want is nice straight teeth with lots of holes!
FAQsWhy an Orthodontic Specialist ? In New Zealand, to become a registered dental specialist through the University of Otago, involves undertaking a FULL-TIME three year postgraduate qualification, on top of the undergraduate dental degree. This was formerly a Masters’ degree, but has recently been changed to a ‘Doctor of Clinical Dentistry’. The course not only involves close to 5000 hours of hands-on clinical and teaching time over the three years, but the postgraduate students must also undertake a Doctoral thesis research project. This ensures that specialists are kept up-to-date with the latest and newest technologies, as well as the best scientific research available. The combination of clinical sessions, scientific research, and interactive teaching modules, ensure that specialists are the best equipped to diagnose, prevent, and treat any dental or facial abnormalities. What’s the best age to start orthodontic treatment ? There is no set age for orthodontic treatment. As everyone is an individual, there are a variety of issues which are all dealt in different ways. There are problems that can be fixed easily at a younger age, whereas there are issues which are best at an older age, or once all the permanent teeth are through. If you are in any doubt or have any concerns regarding your child’s orthodontic needs, it is best to seek an orthodontic consult with an orthodontic specialist who will be in the best position to advise you if – a) Anything needs to be done, and b) If something needs to be done, what the possible options are, and where you can go from that point. Also, if the child is too young, then the orthodontist will monitor your child regularly until they are a a more appropriate age for orthodontic treatment, should it be needed. How much does orthodontic treatment cost and how long does it go for ? The cost of orthodontic treatment depends on the severity of the case and what type of treatment is needed. As mentioned earlier, every patient is an individual and there are many different situations which can be treated in several ways. Not every patient requires full upper and lower braces, and certain issues can be treated at an earlier age using a simple plate, or braces on a section of teeth. Following a consultation with an orthodontic specialist, they will be able to inform you of the different treatment options, their costs, and their approximate treatment times. Is orthodontic treatment only for children ? Not at all. More and more adults are including orthodontic treatment as part of their dental treatment. Indeed, research has found that at least 1 in 5 orthodontic patients is over the age of 18, and in certain clinics, it can be as high as 50-to-60% of the patient base. The large variety of treatment modalities available these days has made orthodontic treatment a lot more acceptable for adults. These include clear ceramic braces; the clear aligner systems such as Invisalign; and lingual braces (or braces at the back of the teeth). Will the braces interfere with my sports or playing a musical instrument like the flute ? Once the initial adjustment to wearing the braces has passed, then braces will not interfere with playing sport or playing musical instruments. Once the tongue, lips and cheeks have gotten used to the braces, then you will not even know they are there! We recommend wearing a fitted mouthguard for contact sports to prevent damage to either the braces or the inside of your cheeks
Orthodontic consultation
Want to find out if orthodontic treatment is right for you? Book an orthodontic consultation with the friendly team at Waikato Orthodontic Centre today.