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For Kids

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Children – as parents, we want the best for them and that means giving them a smile they can wear with confidence. It also means setting them up with the best oral healthcare they can possibly have to ensure a lifestyle of healthy teeth and beautiful smiles. 

At Waikato Orthodontic Centre, we encourage parents to bring their children in for an early consultation. This is an opportunity for us to assess the growth and development of your child’s teeth and jaws. If we deem orthodontic treatment to be necessary for your child, it could be that we recommend Invisalign First. 


What is Invisalign First?

Invisalign First is the version of Invisalign’s virtually invisible aligners made specifically for our younger patients. Invisalign is extremely popular among our teenage and adult patients, and for good reason! The aligners are made from clear, medical-grade plastic and are customised to the shape of a patient’s teeth. This means not only do our patients enjoy a comfortable treatment experience, they can also rest assured their treatment is very discreet. 

Great smiles for young faces

Now children can benefit from Invisalign as well, but we tend to use this method as a proactive approach to orthodontic treatment. By that we mean if we identify potential orthodontic problems in your child’s teeth and jaws at their early consultation, we can use Invisalign First aligners to try and mitigate these problems from developing further. 

Invisalign First aligners have also been designed to prepare your child’s mouth for orthodontic treatment. These aligners won’t necessarily stop your child from needing orthodontic treatment when they’re a teenager, but they will help to reduce the extent of treatment your child may require. And that means less cost for you! 


Benefits of Invisalign First

  • Invisalign First aligners are customised to your child’s teeth and jaws, making for a comfortable fit.

  • Invisalign First aligners can be removed at meal times, so your child can continue to eat a balanced diet.

  • Your child can also remove the aligners when brushing their teeth, so you don’t need to worry about their oral hygiene routine coming to a standstill.

  • The aligners are made from clear plastic, so your child doesn’t need to feel self-conscious about wearing them. 



Book your child’s consultation today

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of Invisalign First and how these aligners could help your child’s overall oral health and wellbeing, bring them into the WOC for an early consultation. Our team will be happy to speak with you about the process and set your child on their journey to straight teeth and a beautiful smile – the Invisalign way!

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